Found 369 products across 1 model


Operating Conditions

Liquid Flow Rate
Liquid Pressure
Specific Gravity

Product Type



Inlet Connection Type

Inlet Connection Size

Outlet Connection Size


Estimated Ready to Ship


36275 Adjustable Ball Fitting
36275-1/4x1/4-SSAdjustable Ball Fitting
Fitting|36275|303 Stainless Steel|Threaded (Male NPT)|1/4 in|1/4 in|Between 5 and 7 days
36275 Adjustable Ball Fitting
36275-1/4x1/4Adjustable Ball Fitting
Fitting|36275|Brass|Threaded (Male NPT)|1/4 in|1/4 in|Between 5 and 7 days
36275 Adjustable Ball Fitting
36275-3/8x3/8-SSAdjustable Ball Fitting
Fitting|36275|303 Stainless Steel|Threaded (Male NPT)|3/8 in|3/8 in|Between 5 and 7 days
8460 Pressure Relief  Valve
8460-3/4Pressure Relief Valve
Valve|8460|Aluminum, Nylon|Threaded (Male NPT)|3/4 in|3/4 in|Between 5 and 7 days
6815 Pressure Relief Valve
6815-3/4-300Pressure Relief Valve
Valve|6815|Brass|Threaded (Male NPT)|3/4 in|3/4 in|Between 5 and 7 days
36275 Adjustable Ball Fitting
36275-3/8x3/8Adjustable Ball Fitting
Fitting|36275|Brass|Threaded (Male NPT)|3/8 in|3/8 in|Between 5 and 7 days
36275 Adjustable Ball Fitting
36275-1/2x1/2-SSAdjustable Ball Fitting
Fitting|36275|303 Stainless Steel|Threaded (Male NPT)|1/2 in|1/2 in|Between 5 and 7 days
36275 Adjustable Ball Fitting
36275-1/2x1/2Adjustable Ball Fitting
Fitting|36275|Brass|Threaded (Male NPT)|1/2 in|1/2 in|Between 5 and 7 days
6815 Pressure Relief Valve
6815-1/2-300Pressure Relief Valve
Valve|6815|Brass|Threaded (Male NPT)|1/2 in|1/2 in|Between 5 and 7 days
8460 Pressure Relief  Valve
8460-1/2Pressure Relief Valve
Valve|8460|Aluminum, Nylon|Threaded (Male NPT)|1/2 in|1/2 in|Between 5 and 7 days