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DynaJet, DynaJet

General Information


DynaJet is a nozzle control platform that extends the limits of your sprayer using PWM nozzle control. PWM stands for pulse width modulation, a technique of controlling nozzle flow rate by rapidly switching each nozzle on and off to control flow rate. Higher on time (or duty cycle) means greater flow, lower duty cycle means less flow. This control allows flow rate and pressure to be managed independently, which enables advanced application capabilities. DynaJet alternates the on/off status of each nozzle to eliminate skips. DynaJet also performs turn compensation, applying greater rates on the outside of a turn than the inside.

  • Extended speed or application rate working while maintaining pressure.
  • Easily set the operating pressure from the cab, and DynaJet maintains application rate by changing nozzle duty cycle.
  • 20 Hertz on/off frequency eliminates concerns about skips between spray pulses.
  • Make a wide range of applications (rates, speeds and droplet sizes) with a single nozzle.
  • DynaJet controls each nozzle individually, allowing swath control with high accuracy.
  • Make your spray distribution uniform during turns with the Turn Compensation feature.
  • On/Off control of up to 150 individual nozzles when connected to TeeJet IC45 rate control.
  • Control of up to 30 sections with a third-party controller.
  • Solenoid valves and cabling system tested and proven in the harshest environments, including application of liquid nitrogen fertilizer.

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