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Matrix 430, Matrix 430

General Information


The compact Matrix 430 is an easy-to-use, low-cost, graphical guidance system ideal for first-time users. The full-color, 3A7BD4F5-4FDC-4D57-B121-D49B2112F727touchscreen display allows the operator to efficiently navigate fields with minimal skips and overlaps in coverage.

  • Versatile GNSS guidance in a compact, portable package.
  • Full time, on screen numeric display of cross-track error with user selectable display OF two additional parameters including: worked area, worked time, and ground speed.
  • High-quality, internal GPS/GLONASS engine with ClearPath technology that enhances GNSS performance.
  • Guidance modes include: Straight AB, Curved AB, Circle Pivot, and Last Pass.
  • Applied alert provides operator with audible alarm when entering previous applied areas.
  • Simple reporting function provides coverage reports in .KML or .PDF.
  • All kits are equipped with all the necessary accessories. You can order components separately if there is a need for replacement.

Alternative Models